Dr. Carlos Chacon from Divino Plastic Surgery Explains Why Reconstructive Surgery may be Necessary
In some cases, plastic surgery may be needed for more than cosmetic appeal, says Dr. Carlos Chacon of Divino Plastic Surgery. BONITA, CALIFORNIA -- Plastic surgery is usually thought of as a luxury procedure for people who want to alter their appearance. However, some plastic surgery procedures are done for much more practical reasons, including fixing abnormalities or injuries. Dr. Carlos Chacon created Divino Plastic Surgery in 2012, where he has helped thousands of patients with plastic surgery procedures. He notes that some patients are candidates for reconstructive surgery for reasons beyond appearance. “Some patients need plastic surgery to rebuild parts of their face or body,” he says. “In some cases, injuries could cause a deformity that changes the appearance of the person. In other cases, the defects may have been there since birth.” Examples of reasons for reconstructive plastic surgery include: Cleft lip Hand deformities Deformities from infections Severe faci...